Our Environment

We believe in sharing and protecting the river as much as possible. We want to enhance the houseboat experience within the natural environment for our guests, whilst equally caring for the Murray River. Our section of the Murray is unique in many ways. You can explore the upper reaches of Lake Mulwala through to the expansive wetlands and billabongs surrounded by the ancient River Redgum forests downstream of Corowa. The River Redgum forest has a vibrant understory of silver wattle, river bottle brush, and various native poa grass species. This unique ecosystem is home to various birdlife like the Whistling Kite, Cockatoo, Willy Wag Tail, Red Rubbed Parrot, Rosella, Blue Wren, Nankeen Night Herron, Tawny Frogmouth, and the Boo Book Owl; as well as supporting Swamp Wallabies and Eastern Grey Kangaroos. The meandering nature of the river channel within this reach of the Murray has created a diverse range of habitats from sandy beaches, fast runs, to deep snaggy cod holes. Such a diverse habitat supports Australian native fish species ranging from Fly Specked Hardy Head and Australian Smelt to Golden Perch and iconic Murray Cod, as well as the endangered Silver Perch and Trout Cod. Equally abundant at various times of the year are dragonflies, caddis and mayflies. Occasionally you may be fortunate to catch a glimpse of Platypus feeding or the little known native Water Rat. The main river channel and billabongs are fringed by giant rush and phragmites, supporting a diverse range of bird life such as the Black Swans, Pelican, Little Grebe, Shell Duck, Herron, Ibis, Spoonbill, Egret, Reed Warbler, Wood Duck and Cormorant. This is by no means a complete list of flora and fauna in the area. We hope over time our guests can help us expand our knowledge of the natural environment.

A more sustainable future

We want to make our our business as sustainable in the future as possible. As part of that commitment we will ensure waste minimisation, energy efficiency, bio-degradiability of products used and supplied, and water management are all considered and implemented to suit the river environment. More detailed information will be supplied on board for you to help us keep the Murray healthy and clean.

Our Commitment

We commit to caring for our local environment to ensure our customers and future generations experience the beauty of the Murray River. We commit to helping our customers minimise waste during their houseboat experience. We commit to meeting our legal requirements from NSW Maritime and local council. We commit to the use of local produce as much as possible. We commit to the minimisation of energy use and reducing our carbon emissions.